Some of the links aren't working. I know that when Sean linked Wide Open Skys, he forgot the S making it a 404 page error when I followed the link. Other then that it's there, just linked wrong! FYI!!
Thanks for the heads up Autumn. Wide Open Sky is fixed and ready to download. Looks like the band pulled down the other two songs, but I "trucked" down another song from their label: "Dead."
Some of the links aren't working. I know that when Sean linked Wide Open Skys, he forgot the S making it a 404 page error when I followed the link. Other then that it's there, just linked wrong! FYI!!
Thanks for the heads up Autumn. Wide Open Sky is fixed and ready to download. Looks like the band pulled down the other two songs, but I "trucked" down another song from their label: "Dead."