
Best start off your introduction to Aqueduct with the thrift store gangsta stance of “Hardcore Days, Softcore Nights,” just so you know not to mess with frontman Dave Terry. Sure, it’s wry bedroom pop on the surface, but I think he’s only half-joking about “pulling heat” if you ask him where he’s from (Tulsa, by the way, which might explain the defensiveness). But the fun only begins there… Song to song, Terry recalls any of the nerd-music-for-the-masses elite — from Ben Folds (without the Elton John fixation) to Ben Gibbard (after a few sleepless nights) — though he’s well on his way to earning his own seat at the table. At least that’s what I’d say to his face, lest I get on his bad side.

7 Replies to “Aqueduct”

  1. Their stuff is good. The vocals get a little annoying and overly-dramatic sounding at some points. (Heart Design) But, the melodies are addictive. Good stuff.
    Stupid OC got this band, too!

  2. Hey, i only just got introduced to this site…n i am lovin BECAUSE it has lots of songs from the OC (my fav show) this site was created to help new unknown bands get their names heard…n that is exactly what the OC does…they promote new, fresh, indie bands…they have never put on a song by The Backstreet boys, or Hilary Duff have they???and they never will!!so please marisa, dont pay them out!
    Keep up the good work on this site!it rox, and i love this song Hardcore days and sofcore nyts by aqueduct!!

  3. I feel kind of stupid replying to a comment from almost two years ago, but this Emma seems like an idiot.

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