We like to keep this main column on 3hive filled exclusively with brand, spanking new posts. But in this case we’ll make an exception. You see, Psapp (pronounced “sap,” fyi) was one of the very first posts to this site and we’ve carefully followed their progress. Galia Durant and Carim Clasmann, aka Psapp, are consistently one of 3hive’s most popular artists due, in large part, to Grey’s Anatomy fans searching for their song “Cosy in the Rocket.” The good folks at Domino have released THREE new MP3s, two from the new album The Only Thing I Ever Wanted, and one, “Wet Box,” which is a vinyl only b-side on their UK release. “Wet Box” is a more playful song, along the lines of their first Melodic tracks, filled with “anything that’s silly and uses stupid noises” (the band’s words). The album tracks work in Galia’s sultry vocals, for a feel that snuggles right up to “Cosy in the Rocket.” So get downloading, because you never know how long these links will last, and hit their e-card for details on their upcoming North American tour dates with Juana Molina and José González.
Hi [MP3, 3.6MB, 128kbps]
Tricycle [MP3, 2.6MB, 128kbps]
Wet Box [MP3, 2.8MB, 128kbps]
Original post: 02/23/04
Sounding like the best eclectic electronic comp since 2002’s Six Records Breaks Your Heart Again. The first track, “Difficult,” is from that comp, Tracks for Horses. The second track, “Dad’s Breakdown,” isn’t as strong, but fun nonetheless. They’re super lo-fi MP3s, Melodic’s definitely not showing much of their hand, but damn, can they pick ’em! Check out labelmate Pedro as well…
Buy from iTunes
Do you know where I could find the song "cozy in the rocket" by Psapp? What album?
I also want to know where I can find the song "cozy in the rocket" by Psapp? What album?
I can’t even find where you found a song called “Cozy In The Rocket” by Psapp. I did find a forthcoming full-length: http://www.fusion3.com/works/leafbay41cd/
due November 1st from Leaf:
I imagine the album will feature tracks from their various EPs and 12″s: http://www.posteverything.com/artists/artist.php?id=7603
I’d venture to say this will be one of my favorite albums of this year…
PSAPP “Cozy In The Rocket” on the NIP/TUCK soundtrack this season(tv) according to the music producer…
Folks I work with PSAPP. The song you are looking for from Nip/Tuk was originally quoted as ‘Cosy in the rocket’ the song that was in fact used was “In my Head”, and will be available on itunes in the next 2 weeks. The track is not on the leaf album.
Do you know a specific date? I am way to excited for this song to come out…please let me know..
yo the name of the song is actually is "in my head" -psapp and apparently it's out on itunes but im rather having some difficulty if someone could give me a direct link to place where i could download it i would appreciate it
celeste, marco, everyone… here's a direct link to "in my head" on itunes:
Hey…have you all found anything out about the “Cozy in the Rocket” song by Psapp? Apparantly, it is now being used as the theme song for Grey’s Anatomy and I would love to find it.
The website should be
I love “Difficult Key.” It reminds me of some jazzy stuff that my father used to listen to.
I just went to itunes and downloaded the “in my head” song….it is NOT the one you hear on the shows opening. If anyone knows the correct name of the song or where to find it, it would be appreciated!
just go on limewire.com and put in “grey’s anatomy theme” and it’ll bring it up. it comes up as psapp – always in my head
It seems psapp’s site no longer has a music section.
Also, that song that comes up in Limewire is “always in my head” I know what you are going to say…
It actually is “always in my head” not “cosy in the rocket”.
"Cosy in the Rocket" and "In My Head" are not the same song.
This song “always in my head”, its not the same one thats played on Greys anatomy, can some give me the right song please! thanks
the song on Grey's Anatomy is definitely Cosy In The Rocket (check here: http://abc.go.com/primetime/greysanatomy/music1.h… can't find any listing for where it's available so i'm assuming it is not yet available. rest assured there will be a Grey's Anatomy soundtrack and this will be on it… it will likely be on the next Psapp release as well but no info to be found on that yet. the link for the music page on their site is not working.
Im not certain but Cosy in the Rocket sounds like a remix of in my head but I can't tell.
I have been hearing this song everyday around 12:00p.m. on 93.9fm, I love it more everytime I hear it.
I also love Grey's Anatomy, and they play it on the show every episode. I can't wait for CD.
Does anyone know when the 'cosy in the rocket' song will be available on itunes? i love it and especially love greys anatomy…. thanks!
yeah "cozy in the rocket" is not the same as "in my head"
Been looooking everywhere. Herd it on the radio, am going to call'em.
Absolutely dying for the PSAPP song – whe someone figures out the name and a place to download – please post for all. thanks!!!
You can download (or listen) to the PSAPP song called "Cozy in the Rocket" which is also the theme song for the new ABC show Grey's Anatomy at: http://www.viciouslydemonic.com/journal/10%20Cosy…
Oh, this is wonderful… I wonder how this girl got it?!
to DM:
thank you so muuch!! how did you find the song, i have been trying to find it and was quite unsuccessful…
anyway – thanks again.
The theme song to Grey's Anatomy is by Psapp called "Cozy in the Rocket" on their album called "Ben & The Bad Seeds". If you want it, IM me at LLmaypingLL and I will try to get it to you.
When does the album "Ben & The Bad Seeds" come out? I searched on amazon.com and found no info on it.
And be sure to do something great for your health and visit: http://WWW.VITAMIN4ALL.COM
Hey, I went to the viciously demonic site and I can’t figure out how to download this kick ass song??? What’s the secret guys????
Go here:
Page down to the April 25th entry titled "cosy in the rocket" and with your mouse over the word "download" right-click and choose "save target as". This will let you save the file.
Thank you so much!!!! I love the show and the song kicks ass.
I became obsessed with The Postal Service after the commercials for Grey's Anatomy, having only liked them a little beforehand, and now the show has turned me onto Psapp. Yay!
could u please tell me the name of a song from episode 9 that goes "i'm going walking my dog…" that's all i got from it, could you please help me out.
whats that song on grey’s anatomy soundtrack that keep repeating “i’m sorry…so sorry” ?
im me at sima2113 if u know
I believe that song is "They" by Jem. So gorgeous, everything by Jem is. Simple search on altavista music will get you it.
hey i really like that song in geys anatomy that keeps repeating " i'm sorry" it has a really funky tune and it catchy
Oh, happy day! Thank you so much to the lovely person who posted that download link to ‘Cosy In The Rocket’, by Psapp. That’s just delicious! I’ve downloaded it and am enjoying it right now.
Thanks for making my day! ; )
it looks as if this link is gone. I would really love htis song. any help?
yeah im after that song that was on greys anatomy too, something about "walking my dog"?
it was on the ep where they he got syphillis??
if you know what its called id be so happy
dani, the songs called The dog song and it by Nellie McKay…
I downloaded it using kazza
thanc bye
I think the only place where you can find PSAPP "Cosy in the Rocket" is on the Grey's Anatomy Soundtrack. I don't think they've released an album with the song on it.
Wow, I've been looking for the Grey's Anatomy theme song for ages! Thanks you lot unknowingly helped me. Thanks a lot!
i neeeeed that cosy in the rocket song. i hav clicked on every link u guys posted but none of them work. pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaasssssseeee someone heeeeeeelp me. im desperate
Just so everyone is clear
the song is gone off of vicious website ………….. i didnt get to even dl it yet …..urgggg anyone got it …. email it to me please ………lilmisstypo@yahoo.com
Yes, does anyone have Cosy in the Rocket? The link is gone and the Greys Anatomy soundtrack is not available in Oz. Please!
I need the song Cosy in the Rocket!!! anyone got it e-mail to me please?? pindro@hotmail.com
The first time I heard Psapp I ran a million miles in my head.
psapp is ridiculously fun.
the first time i heard psapp, i did a double-take, scoured the internet for more songs, took several days to regain my senses, and then bought their cd.
the first time i heard psapp, i snapped my fingers