Yesterday, Sean alluded to what’s going on with Orange Twin down in Athens, GA, so I figured I’d elaborate on that a bit. Folks from the band Elf Power have, in addition to setting up their own record label, begun organizing, as they call it, “a pedestrian-based eco-village” with 100 acres of preserved woodlands five miles from downtown Athens. On the website, you can see pictures of the community house they’re fixing up, and the approval they’ve received from local government. Neat stuff. Also neat — and totally receiving less attention in this post than she deserves — is Madeline Adams. She’s been singing her songs in Athens since she was a teenager, and already has two full-length albums under her belt. Check out the tracks from her most recent release, The Slow Bang, for a sampling of her sparse, warm, intimiate acoustic offerings; more downloads and a very pretty crayon drawing can be found at Madeline’s website.