Ten things I know or don’t know about robounoishi:
- I don’t know how to pronounce or write the name of the band and WordPress will not code kanji.
- They are from Tokyo….. I think.
- They are putting out some incredible dream-pop/shoegaze music right now.
- Their new album milkgazer 2024 is one of my favorite new releases so far this year.
- I do not know or cannot tell if robounoishi is a band or a singular entity or even real.
- They are on Twitter @robouno__ishi.
- You can and should buy all their music from their Bandcamp page.
- You can and should stream all their music on Spotify, however their is one album there that doesn’t look like theirs.
- You can stream “black out” and “revival”, my favorite tracks from the album below.
- You will enjoy this music if you have a soul.