Teenage Tom Petties

Teenage Tom Petties | Teenage Tom Petties | 3hive.com

Teenage Tom Petties’ set out to “make a 90’s-era power-pop record” on their third album in as many years (and only 9 months after their sophomore release, Hotbox Daydreams, and second self-titled album). I say they achieved that goal (and then some), as much of the guitar work and vocal harmonies throughout the record remind me a lot of 90’s-era Flaming Lips and Fountains of Wayne.

TTP is highly addictive, like Pringles. It’s a head-bobber from start to finish, that’s for sure, featuring eleven melodic, power-pop bangers. Check out “Tuff Top” and “Dumb Enough” (below) for a taste.

Teenage Tom Petties is out now via Safe Suburban Home. Enjoy.