Constant Follower

Constant Follower | The Smile You Send Out Returns To You |
Constant Follower is the recording moniker of Stephen McAll (and a revolving group of friends) from Glasgow, Scotland.

McCall barely survived a violent attack in his late teens and struggled with addiction in his path to recovery. His melancholic, understated ambient folk has mirrored this journey, as his body and mind relearned to play guitar and observe the small, intimate details of life.

His third album, The Smile You Send Out Returns To You, delivers more of the same, only now he is a father, partner, and further along in his recovery. You can hear hope and optimism amidst the minor keys – and it’s an utterly gorgeous and cathartic listen.

The Smile You Send Out Returns To You was released by Last Night From Glasgow.

You can buy Constant Follower vinyl at 3hive’s online shop.