So we just got schooled by one of our fine readers. Brittany P. wrote in with a “Currently Listening To” list of 45 bands. Everyone from The Books to Slowdive to Galaxie 500 to Boards of Canada. Then at the very end of the list was this little note: “I’m surprised none of these bands are on 3hive.” Everyone should know that we often surprise ourselves with what we haven’t featured on 3hive. It’s those surprises that keep us doing what we do. And I believe a reminder of what we do is in order: we only feature MP3s that are provided by the artists or their labels. We made that decision early on and it’s helped to differentiate us from the crazy amounts of audioblogs out there. There are a ton of bands we’d love to feature, like the ones mentioned above, but they don’t have free and legal MP3s available. That said, Brittany’s list is highly useful as I’m sure she includes more obvious oversights on our part. Like The Helio Sequence. So listen, enjoy their space-gazing sound, and if you live in the western part of the United States, be sure you see them on tour. And keep those suggestions coming!
DJ Enso
While Enso and I have a couple things in common (a penchant for slip-on shoes and Russian philosopher Mikhail Bakhtin) the present disconnect between my life and life reflected in “High Spirits” is comical. While plenty of you are likely “up in the club / hold[ing] your drinks high” this evening (it’s currently Saturday night), I’m sitting at home in a pair of slippers sipping chocolate soy milk. That doesn’t keep me from knowing a hot party track when I hear one. Slip “High Spirits” into your party playlist and you’ll have ’em eating out of your hand at the next mixer.
Candy Bars
TAKE 5 and enjoy this BOUNTY from the Candy Bars. These 3 MUSKETEERS are pretty M-AZING considering the sounds they TWIX from their instruments. A TART-N-TINY SYMPHONY. OH HENRY! you’ll say to yourself. This is the best thing I’ve heard from Florida lately BAR NONE. And don’t SNICKER but they look good too: Daniel and Ryan are BIG HUNKS, and Melissa is a DOVE. LOOK! U-NO you and your friends will be GOOD & PLENTY pleased to have this album. When May ROLO’s around and you SKOR on PAYDAY be sure to buy this GOLDEN COLLECTION of dark TREASURES. Then tell S’MORES of your friends. They’ll be indebted to you to the tune of 100 GRAND.
For some reason I really enjoy beating Clay to the punch. Not even sure why. But I know he’s gonna be bummed he didn’t find this one first, because he really likes The Unicorns. And Islands consists of two members of The Unicorns, Nick and J’aime, after what sounds like an ugly break-up. They crossed paths in Los Angeles on the set of Woody Allen’s “Melinda and Melinda” as walk-ons in the same scene. Fate, and mutual pity, brought the two closer together when both their parts were cut from the film (side note: OK, I’ve always wanted to be an extra in a Woody Allen film—Juliet Taylor if you’re reading this and Woody ever has a bit part for a thumbless guy, call me—and I’d be hating it too if I got that close!). We feel your pain and love the result: more crisp, clean pop from Montreal. Thanks to Filter for digging up the MP3.
Play It As It Lays #231
Spring Brings The Drips
Cold War Kids on Fire
The Duke Spirit
We’ve been on something of a pop kick the last few days, so I thought it’s about time to bring the ear-ringing rock. Speaking of tinnitus, my ears have been going at it 24/7 for like the last month. Too much loud music obviously. There’s been a lot of talk about the link between iPods and hearing loss (duh), but I listen to my iPod in the car primarily. Still, I listen way too loud. It’s like hot sauce or chocolate. Can’t get enough. More, more, more. Gotta have it loud. The Duke Spirit certainly won’t be helping the situation anytime soon. These Brits bring it! They’re loud even at a volume level of two. And when Leila sings “I need those eyes and I need those bones” on Flood-produced “Win Your Love,” well, love hasn’t rung in my ears like this since PJ Harvey told me to look at her child-bearing hips and ruby red ruby lips.
Field Music

Field Music is somewhat of an all-star band in their hometown of Sunderland up there in the northeast corner of England. They’ve shared members with Futureheads and loaned out the drummer from Maximo Park for some album duties. Their debut album hit back in August of last year in the UK drawing comparisons to “Wire arranged by the Beach Boys,” and The Beatles. And when the band lists influences ranging from My Bloody Valentine to Stravinsky to Big Star to Duke Ellington you get your hopes up. Field Music fails to disappoint. It’ll be out next month in the States and I’m calling it the pop album to beat this year. I know for a fact they’ll be going mano a mano with Figurines for my attention. One last note, when you buy the album listen for them lifting Lloyd Cole & The Commotions’ “Are You Ready To Be Heartbroken” verbatim for the bridge in “Pieces.”