Ninja High School
Continuing with our goof-hop weekend here at the Hive, ladies and gentlemen…introducing Ninja High School. Self-proclaimed “positive hardcore dance rap,” Toronto-based NHS go out of their way to avoid hip-hop clichés pulling from post-structuralist theory and art criticism. Sure it sounds heady, but Ninja High School’s got mad skillz at breaking down grandiose ideas into catchy, party-perfect, sing-along choruses. It’s up to you whether or not you tap your local lit department for your next Barthes party.
Old School Television Theme Songs
Suburban Kids With Biblical Names Debut Album
Beautiful New Born Children
Proof that bands DO get signed from unsolicited demos. And I’m happy to give bands a couple tips to do just that: 1) Write and record a few damn good songs. 2) Know your audience. Don’t send your death metal band (do people still actually listen to death metal?) to March Records for example. 3) Believe in magic, ’cause you’ll still need a little of that and a lot of luck.
Oh yeah, the band. RIYL: ADHD inflicted XTC on crack. And I mean that in a good way.
I can blame The Cure for a couple things:
1) The name of my first son, Cairo. I used to joke with a friend that I’d name my first child after the song “Fire In Cairo,” combining “fire” and “in” to create “Firyn.” Firyn Cairo. (My friend reciprocated the fun, threatening to name his first child Seven–and this was a couple years before Seinfeld hit the TV). By the time our first child was born I had joked around with “Firyn Cairo” so much it stuck (we axed Firyn, thankfully).
2) Cranes. And it’s been years since I’d listened to or even thought of the band. Somehow during my musical travels I came across their latest, and seventh, album, Particles & Waves. The band is as haunting, lush, and dark as ever. And lucky for us, just as busy. They opened a couple Cure shows in Europe over the summer and they’re already working on new material for a new album next year. Enjoy discovering or rediscovering Cranes. And if you’re sitting there all smug and cocky because you never stopped listening, shame on you. Why didn’t you remind me!?!?
3hive Podcast #6 Is Live
Sean’s Last Amoeba Trip
The Earlies
There is a God! And he’s not just talking to George Bush. He’s obviously tipping off Secretly Canadian to rare, indispensable music. Yeah, I’m slightly excited this record is finally coming out here in the states (October 25th). I missed them this last year at SXSW because frankly, I just couldn’t stand up any more. The five pounds of succulent BBQ from The Salt Lick didn’t exactly help the cause. So I can’t vouch for the band live, but I can vouch for the psychedelic groove you’re about to ride.