The Fatáles

Vaguely detached, vaguely nostalgic, vaguely wonderful space pop. It’s really hard to believe these guys are unsigned…maybe they’re not in it for the money, just on a personal crusade to promote use of the accent aigu (á). Either way, I’m in.

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Built to Spill

“OH MY GOD!” (do I have to, like, pay royalties or something to Dooce for using all caps in a blog post?) I thought when I found “Joyride,” off Built to Spill’s The Normal Years, a K Records gem. (Thanks to Jared and his homemade K Recs t-shirt for the reminder to check their website.) One of my favorites from a thoroughly brilliant collection of random tracks, “Joyride” is a perfect representation of its title — exuberant, juvenile, and out of control. I’d love to put the whole album up here; IT’S THAT GOOD! (The check’s in the mail, Heather & Jon.)

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Daydream Nation

No, this ain’t the sixth album from Sonic Youth released in October 1988 getting its own entry here on 3hive, and it’s not a Sonic Youth cover band. Daydream Nation is actually a Canadian duo doing their own thing, which is a mysterious combination of Brit pop from the ’60s invasion and the ’90s revival influenced by other notable Brits like the Cure and Swervedriver, although their sound is not as “shoegazer” as they and others would lead you believe. These songs are from Bella Vendetta, their second album.

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Magnolia Electric Company

Apparently there’s this guy named Jason Molina whose jangly voice and honky-tonk geetar owe a great debt to Neil Young and who had a band called songs: ohia. Apparently he renamed his band after one of the latter band’s album titles. And apparently the hazy barroom rock sounds as sweet as Tennessee bourbon whiskey on Magnolia Electric Company’s debut live release. If you’re wondering why all the parenthetical talk, it’s because Molina’s as new to me as he might (or might not) be to you. And apparently I’m kicking myself for not discovering him about five years ago.

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Jennifer Gentle

Don’t let the name fool you, Jennifer Gentle is a couple of Italian cats. One used to be an ice cream man in Berlin. Among their choice of instruments is a deflating balloon (“I Do Dream You”). Sound weird enough yet? It’s all true. Brace yourself for fine, imported psychedelia and quirky, contemporary pop recorded like it’s 1967.

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The Herms

My next-desk neighbor tipped me off to The Herms this afternoon. We’re both back in the office after a healthy holiday break. His New Year’s Eve was much more celebratory than mine. He: Bottom of the Hill in San Francisco for the Rogue Wave, Kelley Stoltz, and Herms show; Me: road-tripping back home down I-15, determined to miss the Las Vegas to L.A. parking lot over the weekend. It’d have been nice to have iPodded these tracks for the ride. “Record Machine” could be a demo recording from Bauhaus, and the remaining tracks, while wandering off on a sort of Jonathan Fire*Eater tangent, fail to disappoint. I’m baiting Clay with the former comparison. Watch for his impending, spirited comments.

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Given all the nominating going on, I offer mclusky’s The Difference Between Me and You Is That I’m Not on Fire as Album Title of the Year. The album’s music ain’t bad either. Producer Steve Albini’s influence continues to rub off on these talented lads in the form of increasingly noisy, sometimes sneering, and always witty rock to the roll. “Without MSG…” is but one flavor — the surprisingly thoughtful “She Will Only Bring You Happiness” being quite another — so check the album for the full menu.

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Gran Ronde

If you count yourself among the many fans of the current faux-British invasion, then get ready to surrender to another crusader. Today’s 3hive pick brought to you by the number 3 (what else?) and by a hot tip from regular (in his use of 3hive) Todd Simmons. Thanks, Todd!

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The Walkmen

Yeah, yeah, I know, they’re all over the place nowadays: The OC, Conan, Letterman (tonight, in fact). And we’ve already had a discussion about this topic (see Jetscreamer). But it’s still the Christmas season, ain’t it? How could we pass up these Yuletide gems from The Walkmen? The first two are from their unreleased Christmas single, the third is from last Christmas, and the fourth, well, it’s just a great song from their early days. If you missed The Walkmen’s appearance on The OC and were wondering if Summer fell for Seth’s attempt to trick her into coming to the Walkmen show with him, you can hear MP3s from the show on the Walkmen’s website.

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I love this time of year, and not just because I can lounge around all day in my jammies eating leftovers and candy. I love it because this is when I start cherry picking the best-of-the-year lists for artists I somehow missed or slept on. Today’s find comes from Mystery & Misery’s Best of 2004. They caught my eye because my grandmother’s maiden name is Hinckley, which turns out to be a happy coincidence. Their ragged, folksy pop would make them at home in the Elephant 6 stable but for now they’re unsigned and living in Rochester, NY. Thanks, Jason!

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