This pick inspired by Sam’s 3/4/04 pick: SHTYM is what you’d expect from someone who grew up using a Commodore 64, Atari 2600, Compaq Portable II, and an Epson dot matrix printer. Now he’s making music on those machines about the girlfriends who beat him in Centipede.
Her Space Holiday
We’ll keep adding MP3s ’til the wheels come off… Our growing talent showcase proves again (if needed) that emotronica wiz Marc Bianchi can play confessional singer/songwriter, bedroom beatslinger, or sampler symphonist with equal artistry. And yet, somehow, my man still finds time to get his remix on.
Tree Wave
Warm, familiar, soothing tunes — just what you’d expect from a Commodore 64, Atari 2600, Compaq Portable II, Epson dot matrix printer, and a 100% human chanteuse.
Ill Lit
Melancholic folk-tronica with an emphasis on the folk and the rubble of lo-fi electronics.
Rich orchestral pop with affected and infectious vocals ressembling a cross between Mark E. Smith and Rik Ocasek.
Danger Mouse & Jemini
A sampling of favorites from 2003. Sophisticated party fodder brimming with soulful beats and fresh rhymes: “I never politic when I be on some cool-out shit….” Word.
Tha Liks
A couple of classic rewinds from the West Coast lyrical pranksters.
Manchester based Melodic Records first birthed Pedro, then cranked out a whole litter of releases. Twenty, in fact, since 1999. A fine lot of electronic glitches, strums, and rhythms. From Melodic’s site: “Full mp3 tracks, not CD quality, but good enough for you to get addicted.” Actually, they’re nowhere NEAR CD quality, but I’ll be damned if they’re not spot on with the warning of dependency.
A sampling of favorites from 2003. Infamous indie intellectual Sage Francis proves he can spit heat with the best of them — watch yer back, Mr. Mathers.
Odd Nosdam
Proof positive of Odd’s ability to walk the line between goofball humor and necksnapping beats.