What’s Important

What's Important | bloodsoaked castle | 3hive.com
What's Important | bloodsoaked castle | 3hive.com

Oakland band What’s Important are releasing their latest album, bloodsoaked castle, today. Their PR refers to their sound as “mutant pop,” and their Bandcamp page calls it “castle pop.” I don’t know what either of those genres / sub-genres mean. What I do know is that bloodsoaked castle contains some glitchy, pop punk meets electro pop goodness. Check out “i think about it a lot” (below) for a taste.

bloodsoaked castle is out now via Cherub Dream Records. Get it. Enjoy.

Christina’s Trip

Christina's Trip | My Friend | 3hive.com
Christina's Trip | My Friend | 3hive.com

Oakland’s Christina’s Trip calls their sound “distortion pop,” which is about as accurate a description as possible. Their latest single “My Friend” (below) is a fuzzy, bedroom-pop-leaning track that would sound at home on an Elephant 6 compilation (I stole the comparison from Joe) and totally drives the “distortion pop” description home.

Their debut LP, Forever After, comes out in July via Cherub Dream Records, and based on their two available singles, this is definitely on the list of albums not to miss. Enjoy.