Fairy Rust is Louisville 3-piece, Wombo’s latest album. It’s a rhythm-heavy effort with the bass guitar pretty much running the show throughout – which to this listener’s ears is FANTASTIC!
The album was written over the past two years and draws inspiration from fairytales by The Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Anderson. The group’s Bandcamp page states, “Fairy Rust… contemplates the spaces in-between, a meeting of the physicality of the land with the fluidity of the imagination….”.
On slow building “Below The House” (stream below), the vocals and guitar seem to chase the bass and drums around until the last minute or so when the guitar just erupts – this is a very solid way to write, record and mix a song. I love it.
There are several times during the album that Wombo reminds me of Primus. Don’t get it twisted, Wombo doesn’t sound anything like Primus, but their “each instrument shines on it’s own” (my statement, not their’s) without taking anything away from the cohesiveness of the song itself, and the amount of punch they produce as a trio just takes me to Primus. Listen to “Queens of Keesh” (below) for an example of what I’m rambling about. Maybe I am completely nuts? I don’t care, I am writing this post, not you.:)
Fairy Rust is an incredible album and up there as one of my favorite releases of the year. It is out now and available on wax and digitally via Fire Talk Records. Buy the record. Go see them live. ENJOY THE GOOD MUSIC.