
California beat maker jinsang combines jazz cuts over chilled out beats to create some killer, smooth, grooved-out tracks. His latest release, solitude., is 26 tracks of pure groove. The more I listen to it the higher it jumps up my favorite releases of 2016 list.

His entire catalog is available to buy on his Bandcamp page for only a measly $7 bucks! Trust me that’s $7 bucks well spent my friends. Below are a few tracks from solitude. and a new one he just put up on his Soundcloud page. Check them out, then go get your hands on some of his music. Enjoy.


Top 25 Albums of 2015 (ToddS List)

25. Leggy – Nice Try EP [self]

24. Library Voices – Lovish [nevado]

23. Faith No More – Sol Invictus [reclamation]

22. Say Hi – Bleeders Digest [barsuk]

21. Giggly Boys – Bastards of Young [self]

20. The Diamond Center – Crystals of the Brass Empire [funny / not funny]

19. Gun Outfit – Dream All Over [paradise of bachelors]

18. Woolen Men – Temporary Monument [woodsist]

17. Expert Alterations – You Can’t Always Be Liked [kanine]

15. Albino Father – II [self]

14. Mikal Cronin – MCIII [merge]

13. Kurt Vile – b’lieve i’m goin down… [matador]

12. King Gizzard and the Lizzard Wizard – Paper Mâché Dream Balloon [ato]

11. L’Orange & Kool Keith – Time? Astonishing! [mello music]

10. Ultimate Painting – Green Lanes [trouble in mind]

9. Wand – Golem [in the red]

8. Young Guv – Ripe 4 Luv [slumberland]

7. Moon Duo – Shadow of the Sun [sacred bones]

6. Lazy Knuckles – Bucolic [gold robot]

5. Thee Oh Sees – Mutilator Defeted At Last [castle face]

4. Danny James Etc. – Pear [burger]

3. Father John Misty – I Love You, Honeybear [sub pop]

2. Destroyer – Poison Season [merge]

1. The Butterscotch Cathedral – S/T [trouble in mind]


Lasso is the solo (mostly) project of Tucson multi-instrumentalist/beat maker Andy Catlin. He covers about every genre imaginable throughout his seven release discography, including psych, pop, electro, hip hop, pop and rock. His newest release, Into The Lasso, is a kind of groovy, psych-pop meets hip hop beats hybrid. Check out the Money Mark-like album opener “Pepper”, it’s a great example of what this guy can do.

Into The Lasso is available now from Lasso’s bandcamp page. While you are there be sure to check out his other releases, you will not be disappointed.

Lasso – Pepper from Into The Lasso (2015)

AM & Shawn Lee

London-based multi-instrumentalist/producer Shawn Lee and Los Angeles-based singer/songwriter AM have collaborated again to release their stellar third release Outlines. Outlines is a groovetastic blend of toe tapping, head bobbing, synth-heavy pop and funk. Get a taste of their grooviness below in the stream of album opener “Persuasion”.

Outlines is available to buy in all formats from their Bandcamp page. It’s a good one.

Lady God

The late, great 7 Inches blog (RIP) is where I first heard Virgina 3-piece Lady God. Coincidentally, the very day I read about them vocalist/bass player Chrissie reached out to me about posting their new 7″, Lady God Presents: The Pebbles!. It was meant to be.

Lady God play a grimey brand of butt shaking, reverb-soaked, surf guitar driven, garage rock. The 7″ has barely left my turntable since it arrived in my mailbox. Check it out below and snag yourself a copy of the digital single or the 7″ from their Bandcamp page before it’s long gone. Enjoy!


Milwaukee 3-piece, PILES, play a heavy brand of face melting post-punk that is right up my alley. Opening track, “Blue Glue” (below), from their debut full-length, Planet Skin, bludgeons your ears with it’s throbbing, sludgy bass lines and razor sharp guitar work. Planet Skin is quickly rising to the top of my favorite albums of the year. I highly recommend you check it out.

Planet Skin is available digitally on their Bandcamp page. They will be releasing this bad boy on vinyl as well – also available on their Bandcamp page.

PILES – Blue Glue from Planet Skin (2015)

PILES on Facebook

Chick Quest

I came across Vienna’s Chick Quest when they reached out to us through Twitter. I was intrigued by their avatar (I have no idea if that’s what it’s called) and description of their music “Spaghetti western post-punk from Vienna, Austria”. I checked them out and really enjoyed what I heard.

I was instantly drawn in by the rawness of opening track, “Somebody Call A Doctor” (below). The pounding drums, loud surf-punk guitar and trumpet are dead-on in line with their description. Also included for your listening pleasure is a stream of their dance-punk stomper “Explain Yourself To A Bat”.

Chick Quest’s self-released debut, Vs. Galore, is available now to buy/stream from their Bandcamp page. Enjoy.

Chick Quest – Somebody Call A Doctor from Vs. Galore (2015)


Cincinnati 3-piece, Leggy, pull no punches with their brand of in your face, fuzzy, dream-pop meets garage rock sound. I especially enjoy track #4, “A Reverie” (below). It’s distorted bass and guitar along with the relentless pounding drums and sugary, fuzzed-out vocals make the track pure ear candy.

Leggy’s new EP, Nice Try, is out now and available to download on their Bandcamp page. Stop what you are doing and snag this now, you need these 6 songs in your life.

Shout-out to euro60 on the Randomville boards for the heads up on these guys.

Leggy – A Reverie from Nice Try (2015)

Leggy on Facebook


Arvid is the solo project of Rochester, NY musician Luke Ross. Luke recorded Old Factory Living, for over 7 months to a 4-track in his attic. The result is a raw, solid album of lo-fi goodness. Check out “Stage Fright” and “Wasted” below for a sample.

Old Factory Living is available to stream/download from the Arvid Bandcamp page. Enjoy.

Arvid – Stage Fright from Old Factory Living (2014)

Arvid – Wasted from Old Factory Living (2014)

The Omecs

The Omecs | The Omecs | 3hive.com
The Omecs | The Omecs | 3hive.com

If grimey, head bobbing, butt shaking, garage rock similar to bands like Black Lips, The Oblivians and Thee Oh Sees is your thing, meet your new favorite band (and mine) The Omecs. Check out the speedy, sludgefest “Infrared” (below) for a taste.

Their self-titled cassette is available from King Pizza Records. It’s been on constant repeat since it arrived in my mailbox. You can also get your hands on this release digitally from The Omecs Bandcamp page.

The Omecs – Infrared from The Omecs (2014)

The Omecs